Learn To Hand Embroider.

Helen loves teaching embroidery. She offers a variety of techniques including crewelwork, silk shading and raised work, also known as stumpwork, blackwork, various types of whitework and canvas stitches. She is equally happy to teach those who have never stitched before:”Which end do I thread the needle?’ and those who want to develop their skills.

Ways To Learn Hand Embroidery With Helen.

Private Lessons.

Arrange a day or half day in your own home and you decide what you want to learn.

Group Events.

Organise a course with friends, family or other stitchers. You provide the venue and the tea and decide what you want to learn. Helen will provide materials and the tuition.

Book On A Pre-Arranged Course.

Helen teaches for other organisations.

Upcoming Courses.

Stitching with Liz and Helen in Exeter.

Liz Tapper, also RSN trained and I have joined forces to run embroidery classes at Exeter Community Centre (17 St. David’s Hill, Exeter EX4 3RG). There will be one class per month from September 2019 to June 2020 on either a Saturday or a Sunday. The cost is £65 + kit. Kit costs vary from £5 to £35.

For more information see contact.

Or you can book via Eventbrite.

Class Schedule - Exeter.

23rd November 2019 - Silk Shading - Helen Jones.

Learn the basic elements of silk shading and stitch a small flower motif.

7th December 2019 - Goldwork Box Decoration - Liz Tapper.

Learn the basics of goldwork couching and chips. The design can be used on the February 9th course.

18th January 2020 - Mountmellick Whitework - Helen Jones.

Learn a variety of textural stitches using white work threads on white fabric to create a waterlily design.

9th February 2020 - Box Construction - Liz Tapper.

Learn how to construct a small fabric box. This course links with 7th December course but can also be taken as a stand-alone day.

14th March 2020 - Stumpwork Sampler - Helen Jones.

Learn a range of stumpwork techniques including needlelaces, wrapped wires, padded slips etc.

4th April 2020 - Blackwork Design Inspired By The Royal Albert Museum, Exeter - Liz Tapper.

Learn how to shade using the technique of blackwork on counted linen using RAMM inspired design.

13th June 2020 - Mounted Finished Embroideries - Liz Tapper.

Learn how to complete your textile or embroidery to a professional standard in readiness for framing.

Royal School of Needlework.